I just wanted to get people thinking about how the use of the N-word can still be negative even though it has gained a new meaning through music. In this podcast I wanted to share my opinion on the evolution of this word and how it can still be hurtful through facts while still sharing my […]

It’s been widely covered that the Pepsi ad was a complete flop. It was pulled after literally one day, during which it was savagely (and accurately!) berated as being tone-deaf, self-congratulatory, and appropriative of the Black Lives Matter movement while using a white, female model as its medium. The idea that all of America’s culture and […]

Career centers can be found at many colleges and universities. They provide a valuable service to students in helping them learn networking skills, resume and cover letter writing, and job placement. This is helpful for students who have little or no experience with applying and interviewing for jobs, but is it helpful for non-traditional students? […]

It’s almost that time of year again when gringos flock the streets dressed in racist caricatures for the sake of “celebrating” a culture that they look down on the rest of the year. Cinco de Mayo. Or Drink-o de Mayo. Or Cinco de Drink-O if you’re in Morgantown. theRubberU.com, an app that gives its users […]

West Virginia University had an all time high of 2,274 international students as of fall 2016, but that number might dwindle if the university follows along the same path of many others in the country. According to a new report by the American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers, universities nationwide reported a 39% […]

Last week, I discussed the challenges of being a non-traditional student, but there is one challenge that I saved for this week because it deserves its own spotlight – Transfer Credits. Many times, classes taken at one college or university don’t transfer to another, especially if the two are in different states. There are states […]

College is a trying time for mental health. It’s a time of many transitions and often isolation. The average student who lives a couple of hours away from home goes through withdrawal of their usual support groups so imagine leaving your country and everything that is familiar. International students are much more susceptible to have their […]

Here at WVU there are many different faces on campus. There were over 2,300 international students from over 110 different countries this school year. Aside from having very subjective reputations like being a great party school I began to wonder what draws them all here. What is it about this institution that is so unique to […]

Almost everyone who has ever attended college, hung out with college students, or has ever been, like, twenty-something knows that the dating scene at this stage of life is insane. There is a plethora of stressful issues that inevitably pop up in almost every college relationship, like: Are we actually in a relationship? if not then; When should we DTR? or; Where […]

Beyond all the normal stressors that come with college, non-traditional students have several other risk factors that make completing a degree even more difficult, and less likely, than for traditional students. These include financial struggles, long commutes for short classes, part-time status, and school/work/life balance. Many colleges and universities, including WVU, have increased options to […]